Reducing our impact on the environment
Sovrin provides contract manufacturing services for the supply of precision plastic components and assemblies to the healthcare sector.
As a CMO, product design is outside of our control but we are fully committed to reducing our generation of waste, and consumption of energy and water. We recognise our part of the supply chain, and the inherent issues associated with it. Operating in a sustainable manner is of key importance to us and our stakeholders.
Our policy is to invest in new technologies which will form a key part of the solution to the problem our planet faces.
Our initiatives
- All new injection mould tools are specified with hot-runner feed systems wherever possible, thus totally eliminating waste polymer ‘sprues’.
- Sovrin’s process cooling water has been optimised resulting in a 9% energy saving.
- All HVAC systems have been optimised to reduce energy consumption.
- We have invested in inverter controlled air compressors and driers, reducing energy consumption.
- Our logistics department route all customer deliveries to minimise our carbon miles.
- All waste is zero-to-landfill & is separated across the business to assist our waste and recyclables contractors.
- We will always seek to invest in new process, and energy efficient equipment.
To support our endeavours and to monitor our CO2 reduction efforts, we have partnered with the globally recognised EcoVadis platform (https://ecovadis.com).
- For 2023, our Scope 1 is 60.39 t/CO2e
- For 2023, our Scope 2 is 776.77 t/CO2e